Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Super Committee's Secret

The Congressional Super Committee that was established to deal with the national debt has been fully constituted. It will have six Republicans, three from the House and Senate, and six Democrats, also three from the House and Senate, on board to deal with the matter.

But the Committee is sitting on a big secret. Not the fact that all the Republicans selected for it have signed the Grover Norquist Pledge, which calls for Republicans in Congress, while in office, "not to raise taxes under any circumstances."

The big secret is that the six Republicans of the Super Committee who signed that Pledge are in violation of their oath of office and also the Constitution. And the same could be said of the other 233 Republicans in the House, and the other 37 Republicans in the Senate who have signed this Pledge.

Article I SECTION 8 of the Constitution reads: "The Congress shall have the power 1. To lay and collect taxes." This was the first responsibility that the Founding Fathers gave the Congress, indicating how important they thought it was for the national government to be able to raise revenues for its operations and expenses.

The Founding Fathers would be shocked, if not outraged, to see elected members of Congress throwing out this clause and responsibility and, in effect, erasing them from the Constitution. This precious document can only be changed by an amendment that requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress, which then has to be ratified by three-fourths of the states.

The Republicans in Congress have violated this provision of the Constitution, as well. And so far, as in the case of the other violation, with acceptance and impunity. Even without demur from the Democratic Party.

How can leaders of this Party observe these Constitutional travesties, that have been going on for years, and not publicly denounce them and demand an end to them? How is it that political pundits, and media political commentators, can keep turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to the situation? And what about the Independents? Where is their criticism or outrage, or demand that this affront to Constitutional oaths of office, the Constitution itself, and the country desist?

And what about rank and file Republicans? Strangely enough, recent polls consistently show that over 60% of Republicans favor taxing the top two percent of the wealthiest Americans. These are the people Republicans in Congress are Hell-bent on protecting and expanding their wealth, and widening the gap in the distribution of wealth in the country.

So what are the American people going to do about maintaining the integrity of the Constitution, and the matter of revenue, which is not only necessary for national government operations and expenses, but is also necessary to help maintain America as a prosperous country and a land of opportunity for its citizens?

One could say shame on the Republicans in Congress, but that is not likely to have any effect. One could say shame on the political pundits and media political commentators for not bringing this matter to the attention of the American people. Will they do so now?

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